
Auction Bidding Service

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Queenslands leading Buyers Agents.
Passionate about helping Australians achieve financial freedom through property

Auction Bidding Service

Slico 13yrs

We take the emotion, stress, and uncertainty out of the auction buying process. We discuss the various strategies available, formulate a plan so we buy right either before, during, or post auction. We will offer our professional opinion on value and discuss not just the property but the suburb and city it’s located In.

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Auction Bidding Service
Auction Bidding

Auction Bidding is another part of our service that is designed to buy properties for clients at the lowest possible price. Our years of experience as buyer’s agents and our emotional detachment from the property itself means we’ll never get caught up in a bidding war that will exceed your budget or leave you with a property that has been overvalued.

The hard work actually begins well before the auction. Firstly, we identify the property and ensure it meets all our stringent selection criteria. Then we research the market and complete a CMA (comparable market analysis) by looking at all the sales figures for equivalent properties to see what it’s true worth is. From this, we determine an appropriate purchase limit with your approval and develop our buying strategy.

During the auction, our due diligence helps us decide whether to continue bidding to buy your property, whether to pull out of the bidding, or possibly let the property be passed in to us, at which point we then apply our expert negotiation skills to secure the property.

There’s always a degree of psychology during an auction process, and we know all the tactics to employ to give our clients the best chance of securing the property at the lowest possible price.

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